Saturday, March 5, 2011

And now for another Microfilm goodie

While searching through the book Miami County Schools 1830-1930, I found this great accounting of something that happened at the Struble School sometime between 1867 and 1918,

"Mike Wahlig recalls an incident that happened while attending this school. A certain teacher was unusually cruel to the children. During spelling class one day, a certain boy was requested to pronounce and spell a word. He spelled it, but failed to pronounce it. It so happened that the boy was rather large for his age, so he challenged the teacher to a fight. The whole school saw the boy emerge from the struggle as the victor! The teacher disappeared that evening and has never been heard of since."

No age was given for how old the boy was, but I like to think of him as around 10. Just makes the story that much more amusing.

Oh, the gems you find in the Indiana Room

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